
Corruption in the MENA Region
Andrew Letzkus
Infographic - May 5, 2024
TTransparency International has released its 2024 assessment of international efforts to combat corruption. While a select group of MENA countries have shown improvement in their efforts to combat corruption, most MENA countries lag behind international averages, with 10 MENA countries making up the bottom 25 countries in TI's international rankings.

Corruption across MENA Countries
Oumeyma Chelbi
Infographic - May 2, 2024
This brief explores the drivers behind the surge in public complaints of corruption since 2018, several years after the establishment of the Anticorruption Committee. It highlights increases in public confidence in governmental efforts to redress corruption in the wake of Saudi crackdowns on corruption under the Crown Prince.

Transparency International's Corruption Index 2024
Oumeyma Chelbi
While efforts to combat corruption across MENA vary, many countries in the region have taken significant institutional steps by establishing, funding and empower independent anticorruption agencies. This publication compares results from these agencies with international best practices and advices how governments can improve the impact of such agencies.