About Us
The MENA Governance Portal was developed under the Governance and Economic Development Program at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs. Through the portal, we aim to provide policy makers, non-governmental organizations and citizens with access to analysis and data on multiple dimensions of the region's governance challenge and an ability to understand the value and limitations of common indicators used in their assessment.
Middle East Council on Global Affairs
The Middle East Council on Global Affairs (www.mecouncil.org) is an independent, non-profit policy research institution based in Doha, Qatar. It conducts policy-relevant research, convenes meetings and dialogues, and engages policy actors on geopolitical and socioeconomic issues specific to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Serving as a bridge between the MENA region and the rest of the world, the ME Council provides a regional perspective on global policy issues. It also establishes partnerships with other leading research institutions and development organizations across the MENA region and the world.